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Investment Management Alexandria VA

http://www.westbourneinv.com/blog/best-wealth-management-alexandria-va Have You Ever wondered what the best wealth management firm in Alexandria Virginia is? Well In this video I’ll tell you who the best firm is and at the end you’ll find out how to get a check list with the best questions to ask your financial advisor. Finding a financial advisor is a lot like finding a medical specialist. If you need heart surgery you probably don’t want to work with a back surgeon right? Well your financial world is much like your body: it’s a system built from individual systems. In your body you have your respiratory, digestive, nervous and other systems. In your finances you have your investment, tax, insurance and other systems. Finding your specialist is dependent on which system or systems need attention. For instance if you are saving for your child’s education, you’ll want to work with someone who specializes in asset accumulation. If you’re getting ready to sell a business you want someone who has helped hundreds of people sell their companies right? If you’re retiring you want someone who can show you the nuances of the financial decisions involved with stopping to work. So write down a few of your biggest financial challenges. Have you written them all down yet? If so, you’re ready to decide how you want to pay your financial advisor. Most financial advisors are paid based on the products you purchase. But what if your problem can’t be solved with a life insurance policy or an investment? Fortunately, there are advisors who are fee only. These advisors get paid a flat fee sometimes as low as $150 per hour to provide you with advice. This type of fee for service arrangement is much like how an accountant or attorney works. The biggest difference I’ve noticed between the product sales advisor and the fee for service advisor are the types of solutions offered. When working with advisors who sell products the most common solutions tend to be those that pay the advisor the most. However there’s also a difference in the standard of care involved with the type of advice you receive which you should be aware of. So now, you know what type of specialist you need. You know how you want to pay them. Now you’re ready to find the best financial advisor in Alexandria, VA. Is it ok, if I help you avoid 2 huge mistakes when hiring a financial advisor? The first is that most people start work with the advisor their coworker or relative use. Go back to point number 1: if those people don’t have the same financial needs as you, likely their advisor won’t be the best fit for you. Another common mistake is to find advisors is to look at magazines like Barrons, Washingtonian or Northern Virginia Magazine’s annual list of Best advisors in the area. Spoiler alert, all of those magazines are pay to play services. That means those magazines don’t provide those rankings to help their readers. In fact most advisors can be in those magazines if they’re willing to pony up to the listing fee. Start by going to plannersearch.org. Search your zip code. There you can choose your specialty and compensation type. Super easy and helpful. If you’re disappointed that I didn’t single out an individual firm with the best ranking then write me who you think should be the best. If you enjoyed this video please let me know by liking this video and subscribe to the Westbourne Channel. If you’d like a free questionnaire to use when you’re interviewing an advisor click here and get download it now. If you’re just starting to consider hiring a financial advisor and want to learn what is wealth management click this button here for my video. For more information about retirement planning check out my free 30 minute video course at 7newrulesofretirement.com. 22314, 22304, 22305, 22313

  • Duración: 03:32



Wealth Management, Investment Management, Fee Only Investment Advisor, Alexandria VA, Old Town Alexandria