
Zayn Malik Throws Shade at One Direction?

Ladies, Zayn Malik’s going solo! After kissing One Direction goodbye earlier this year, the 22-year-old has revealed that he is moving on to bigger and better things. Malik took to Twitter with the surprising announcement that he has inked his very own record deal. He will be joining RCA records as a solo artist with hopes to create real music for his beloved fans around the world. Check out the video to get all the details on Malik’s latest venture with RCA.

  • Duración: 00:48



Music, Zayn Malik, One Direction, Zayn Malik RCA, Zayn Malik Record Deal, Zayn Malik Artist, Zayn Malik Music, Zayn Malik Quits, Zayn Malik Leaves 1D, Zayn Malik Feud, Zayn Malik Solo Artist, Zayn Malik RCA Records, Zayn Malik Throws Shade, Zayn Disses 1D