
Mariah Carey is Going to War!

Mariah Carey is going to war! Move over Kate Upton, Mimi is the new face of Game of War: Fire Age commercials. Yes, Mariah Carey is replacing Kate Upton as the new face of the popular role playing game. According to TMZ, besides her alluring looks and huge fan base, it will also feature her music and the deal will earn the diva six figures. The first spot is only 30 seconds and will only take 2 days to film, so that's quite the pay day. But when you take into consideration game of war makes a million dollars a day, it’s really chump change.

  • Duración: 00:38



Studio, Mariah Carey, Game of War, Game of War: Fire, Mariah Carey Game of War, Kate Upton, Kate Uptown Game of War, Game of War Model, Game of War Celebrity, Game of War Mariah Carey, Celebtv, Kate Upton Mariah Carey, Game of War Commercial