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Tau Bada Book Cover - John Quinlan - Book Trailer - Papua New Guinea

John Quinlan began a motorcycle trek through the United States - a quest for self-discovery that led him to realize that vulnerability and honesty are the foundations for a strong character. Pulling from his experience of the past 40 years, Quinlan has written the book Tau Bada: The Quest and Memoir of a Vulnerable Man. The experiences he writes about are what give him the strategies he uses today that make him so effective as a consultant. Quinlan incorporates a strong behavioral science approach to his work, allowing him to operate from a unique philosophy that has shown proven success across the board. After much trial and tribulation, he and his wife are ambushed by locals and shot at in an attempted murder. (That’s a bullet hole in their truck on the book cover) Tau Bada: The Quest and Memoir of a Vulnerable Man (ISBN 978-1-63413-956-4, 2016), MCP Books, paperback, 333 pages, available at Amazon, Barnes & Noble and the author’s website: http://www.TauBada.com View the book trailer here: http://bit.ly/TauBadaBookTrailer Come join us on a 'wild ride!' Media contact: Scott Lorenz of Westwind Book Marketing http://www.Book-Marketing-Expert.com or scottlorenz@westwindcos.com

  • Duration: 00:29

