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Man resurrects at his own funeral

Lady Brighton Zanthe was presumed dead after a long illness, but "rose" in his own wake. The 34 years of Zimbabwe, already inside the casket at home, where family and friends got fired. While everyone was dismissing the alleged deceased, his boss noticed that his legs were twitching, "I was the first to see the movement of the legs while standing in line to see the body," said the owner of the transport company that Zanthe employed. "At first I could not believe it but then I realized that, indeed, the body (of Zanthe) performed some moves, while the rest of the guests recoiled in disbelief," said one of those present. According to spokesman, after the "resurrection", Zanthe was taken to a hospital until a few days later was discharged. "The only thing I can confirm is that the people gathered at my house to mourn, but I was given another chance and I'm alive. Now, I feel good, "said Zanthe.

  • Duration: 01:14



Man resurrects at his own funeral, people, amazing people, Lady Brighton Zanthe , Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe man, people, Zanthe employed, news, resurrection, Hombre resucita en su propio funeral, Hombre resucita en su propio velorio, gente, personas, zombie, hombre resucita en su funeral