Celebrity Videos

A guy tried to castrate and kill Justin Bieber Audio of the call of the plot between the murderer and assassin

The dialogue between the murderer and the hitman he hired to carry out his plan has been made public. In conversation you can hear how both planned to kidnap the Canadian star last November to castrate him and strangle him with the ultimate goal of obtaining a reward of 2000 $ 500 for each singer's testicle.

  • Duration: 01:40



A guy tried to castrate and kill Justin Bieber, Audio of the call of the plot between the murderer and assassin, assassin, people, celebs, celebrities, plot to kill Justin Bieber, Justin Bieber, november, plot to castrate Justin Bieber, Un tipo intetó castrar y matar a Justin Bieber, Audio de la llamada del complot entre el asesino y el sicario, celebridades, intentan castrar a Justin Biber, intentan matar a Justin Bieber